Mission Geography: Where we choose to live and why?
Date: March 24th
Time: 8:30 PST and 11:00 PST (11:30 EST and 2:00 EST)
Topic: Learn how you can use NASA images of our own planet to help study patterns in human civilization. Students will use a nighttime image to observe areas of light across the United States and to identify patterns and spatial distributions of human settlements. They explain the reasons for these patterns by answering questions and making inferences about what they observe.
Details: For more information, please visit the URL: http://dln.nasa.gov/dlnstaging/content/catalog/details/?cid=1677
Registration: FREE, please email Greg Pitzer at gregory.e.pitzer@nasa.gov with: School name, which state are you located in, contact phone #, grade level of students, # of students participating.
Greg Pitzer
Digital Learning Network Coordinator
NASA Ames Research Center
Greg Pitzer/Mail Stop 253-2
Bldg. 253, Rm. 100
P.O. Box 1
Moffett Field, CA 94035-0001
Voice: 650-604-3292
FAX; 650-604-3445