February 25, 2010
There are some things you just know. They aren't chiseled in stone, but you just know. Slavery is always wrong!!!!! In this videoconference, meet David Mills, the author of UNHOLY: The SLAVES BIBLE. Mills' book explores a relatively unknown work - a 201-year-old Bible planned, prepared and published in London for the purpose of making slaves in the British West Indies and justifying that their status was ordained by God.
In UNHOLY: The Slaves Bible, David Mills completed extensive reUnholysearch and probed theological and ethical issues of slavery as endorsed by the scriptures of the Bible. In the Slaves Bible, entire books of the Bible and many chapters of the remaining books of the Bible were omitted for the purpose of making slaves and maintaining slavery. Unholy illustrates this use and misuse of the Bible to preserve slavery during hundreds of years of persecution. Both Protestants and Catholics owned slaves and developed elaborate biblical defenses to justify this institution.
The sacred scriptures of the Bible were used in The Slaves Bible to crystallize the practice of slavery with false views of God and people. These scriptures were used as the strongest authority to validate oppression and violence and enslavement of our fellow human beings.
The Bible was used to require slaves to submit to slavery and to wear their chains with humility. This false teaching condemned Africans and their descendants to slavery simply because they were slaves. But we know, that ALL people, slave or free, black and white and yellow and brown and red, are born free!
Slavery became a "biblically-based institution" immune to abolitionists appealing to Christian morality. Who were these "slave makers" who saw themselves as devout Christians. . .and yet shattered the lives of slaves in the name of God and freedom?
In UNHOLY:The Slaves Bible, David Mills comes to terms with the evidence, the facts, and the truth as he challenges assumptions and shines the light on this wickedness. This is a landmark book that will provoke relevant dialogue and uncover uncomfortable truths.
Unholy is an important videoconference in the unfolding revelation on the long road from freedom to slavery and finally again to freedom. "The truth will set you free" and the truth in Unholy will challenge, outrage, and begin to loosen the shackles that have remained through more than 500 years of slavery, humiliation, oppression, and degradation.
This videoconference discussing Unholy will transform your knowledge and understanding of Western Civilization's long journey from freedom through slavery to freedom.
Register online for all videoconferences at http://vanderbilt.edu/virtualschool/registration.htm. All videoconferences are 9:00 and 10:00 CENTRAL (10:00 and 11:00 ET). The cost is $75 per site. Contact Chandra Allison at chandra.allison@vanderbilt.edu or 615.322.6511 with any questions.