Ask the Expert: The Barnett Shale
presented by
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
Friday, May 8th
10:45 - 11:15 CST
Click here to register for Grades 6-8
11:30 - 12:00 CST
Click here to register for Grades 9-12
The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History is looking for a few middle and high school classes to participate in a very special science distance learning opportunity about the Barnett Shale, an important topic in the North Texas region.
This opportunity will consist of a free 30-minute distance learning program, free classroom materials and a short survey to be filled out by your students prior to the program that will be needed for this program as well as other programs around energy at the Museum. (We promise that the survey will take no more than 10 minutes).
We’ve all heard about the Barnett Shale-now learn more about what is really going on right underneath our feet. We invite you to join AndrĂ©e Griffin, Manager of Geology for XTO Energy, and other classrooms and learn more about the geology of our region and why Barnett Shale is so important. We’ll need your students’ feedback to make this program a success. Look for an email from our staff right after you register for the program with more details.
Please register as quickly as possible to ensure your spot!
To register go to www.Connect2Texas.net .
To be removed from this list e-mail either
Laurie Hogle lhogle@esc11.net or Lori Hamm lhamm@esc11.net .
Connect2Texas is a service offered by
Education Service Center Region XI
3001 North Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76106
(817) 740-3625