The Southern Ohio Storytelling Festival in conjunction with the South Central Ohio Computer Association (SCOCA) is offering 2 videoconference connections on Friday, Sept. 11, featuring several nationally known, regional and local storytellers as part of the 6th Annual Southern Ohio Storytelling Festival in Chillicothe, Ohio. This event is suggested for grades 4-7 and high school classes in English, Speech, Drama/Theatre. There is no charge for the connection. This year's storytellers include Cathy Jo Smith, Suzi Whaples, Bill Harley, Carmen Deedy, Andy Offutt Irwin, Bill McKell and Frank McGarvey.
AM Session:
* 10-10:50 Storytellers Suzi Whaples and Bill Harley
* 10:55-11:20 Storyteller Bill McKell
PM Session:
* 12:15-1:05 Storytellers Cathy Jo Smith and Andy Offutt Irwin
* 1:10-2:00 Storytellers Carmen Deedy and Frank McGarvey
For the most current programming information, go to http://www.southernohiostoryfest.com/ as the schedule is subject to change. Information on the correlation to Ohio Academic Content Standards can be found at http://www.sostoryfest.com/curriculum.html. Storytelling is an art form and participating in the festival provides students with an insight into how they too can share their own stories through writing and oral expression.
To participate in one or both of the videoconference sessions, please email or fax the attached form to Peggy Whyte, Curriculum Integration Coordinator at the SCOCA ITC.
Peggy Whyte
Curriculum Integration Coordinator - SCOCA
175 Beaver Creek Rd., Piketon, OH45661
Phone: 800-634-8828 Cell: 740-710-0349 Fax: 740-289-2082