Monday, September 28, 2009

Grade 4: Ohio's Aviation Pioneers

The lifetimes of Ohioans Wilbur and Orville Wright, John Glenn and Neil Armstrong have spanned nearly a century and during that time frame, these men brought more change to the world than anyone before or since them. How did Ohio become the Birthplace of Aviation? This program will review the daring accomplishments of these four Ohioans.

Ohio's Aviation Pioneers:
True World Leaders

Click for descriptions & standards and the registration form

Wednesday, October 7
Offered four times: 9:15, 10:30, 1:00, and 2:15

Subject area: Social Studies
Grade level: 4

Cost? $50 per session for SOITA Comprehensive Member schools; $75 per session for all others

Limit? Yes, each session is limited to four schools. Registration is on a first-come basis

Questions? Contact or call 800-964-8211

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