Tuesday, August 18, 2009

FREE Conference with International Best Selling Author, Stefan Merrill Block

New Links to New Learning, in partnership with the St. Louis County Library, is excited to announce an upcoming videoconference opportunity with critically acclaimed, best selling author Stefan Merrill Block...

Stefan is the author of international bestseller The Story of Forgetting. In this debut work, “three narratives intertwine to create a story that is by turns funny, smart, introspective, and revelatory.” Three characters find themselves struggling with the effects of Alzheimer's disease and well as discovering a fantasy world called Isidora. “Through the fusion of myth, science, and storytelling, this novel offers a dazzling illumination of the hard-learned truth that only through the loss of what we consider precious can we understand the value of what remains.”

Stefan will videoconference live from Cooperating School Districts on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 1 o’clock central. This vc is open for sophomores, juniors and seniors in high school; participating classes are expected to have read all or part of The Story of Forgetting prior to the videoconference. Space is limited to four interactive sites. This interactive distance learning event is free and great for language arts and science classes.

Stefan grew up in Plano, Texas, and graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2004. He currently lives in Brooklyn, New York. To read more about Stefan and his novel, visit: http://www.stefanmerrillblock.com/

The Story of Forgetting:
finalis for The 2009 Indies Choice Book Award for Best Author Discovery (Debut).
March 2009 Waterstone's (UK) Bookclub Choice of the Month.
2008 Independent (UK), St. Louis Post Dispatch, and Austin Chronicle Best Book of the Year
2008 School Library Journal Best Adult Book for High School Students
The Story of Forgetting is on the shortlist for the 2008 Mercantile Library's John Sargent Sr. First Novel Prize
chosen as "Best First Novel" in the 2008 Rome International Festival of Literature.

To register for this free event, contact Rebecca Morrison.

Missouri Show Me Standards met during this vc:
COMMUNICATIONS Goal 2 - Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom. Communication Arts: 1. speaking and writing standard English; 5. comprehending and evaluating the content and artistic aspects of oral and visual presentations (such as story-telling, debates, lectures, multi-media productions); 6. participating in formal and informal presentations and discussions of issues and ideas

Rebecca Morrison
New Links to New Learning
p: 314.692.1274 f: 314.872.9128

Cooperating School Districts
Virtual Learning Center
1460 Craig Road
St. Louis, MO 63146

Save the Date:
Midwest Education Technology Conference is February 8-10, 2010