Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge andBotanical Research Institute of Texas will host this exciting FREE videoconference
Great Trees…Great Stories…Great Kids! Grades 1st-5th
Friday May 15th, 2009 10:45 - 11:30 AM CST
Click here to register now!
Registration deadline: May 12th
During this FREE "view only" program you will meet this year’s winners of the second annual Great Tree Story Essay Contest for third grade students of the Fort Worth ISD. This year’s grand and first prize winning authors will read their winning essays during a videoconference delivered from the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge.
Guest of honor , Deborah Ferguson a journalist with the Dallas/Fort Worth NBC affiliate, Channel 5 News, will participate in the broadcast by reading Alan Zweibel’s heart-rending book, Our Tree Named Steve .
The Great Tree Story Essay Contest is a part of The Great Tree Project. Go to http://www.brit.org/education/great-trees/ to learn more about the contest, the Tree Ring, or to share your own story about a “great” tree.
Laurie Hogle lhogle@esc11.net or Lori Hamm lhamm@esc11.net . Connect2Texas is a service offered by Education Service Center Region XI3001 North FreewayFort Worth, TX 76106(817) 740-3625