Friday, April 24, 2009

Grades 9-12: Annual Nationwide Celebration of Nanotechnology Education and Outreach

Join The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History's annual nationwide celebration of nanotechnology education and outreach.
Nanotechnology…what is it and what does it mean for us?
Friday, May 8th 1:30 - 2:00 PM CSTGrades 9th - 12th Click here to register now! Deadline for registration: April 30th
Wednesday, May 13th11:30 - 12:00 CST Grades 9th - 12th Click here to register now! Deadline for registration: May 4th
The first 4 sites to register will be interactive sites which can send questions. All other sites will be view only.

We invite you to join Dr. Aaron Pan, the Museum’s Science Curator and other classrooms across the state to learn more about this growing field in science. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter-almost too small to fully comprehend-and objects on this scale are being considered in the medical, technology and consumer markets. You'll learn more about these amazing advances and students in the first 4 classes to register will be able to send specific questions to Dr. Pan to answer during the program.

To register go to .

Laurie Hogle or Lori Hamm . Connect2Texas is a service offered by Education Service Center Region XI3001 North FreewayFort Worth, TX 76106(817) 740-3625