How Irritating!
UNT Health Science Center
March 11th , 200911:45 AM -12:35 PM CST
9th-12th Grade
$95.00 for interactive sites - click here to register
$45.00 for "view only" sites - click here to register
$95.00 for interactive sites - click here to register
$45.00 for "view only" sites - click here to register
Allergies are a very common problem, affecting at least one out of every five Americans. But what exactly are allergies? Are allergies to pollen, animals, and certain foods the same? Dr. John Fling is a physician in the Department of Pediatrics at the UNT Health Science Center and his practice is in the area of Allergy and Immunology. He will talk about the function of the immune system and the mechanisms of allergic reactions. Join Dr. Fling as he helps us gain a better understanding of this "irritating" problem and how physicians diagnose and treat their patients.
To register go to http://www.connect2texas.net/ .
Laurie Hogle lhogle@esc11.net or Lori Hamm lhamm@esc11.net.
To register go to http://www.connect2texas.net/ .
Laurie Hogle lhogle@esc11.net or Lori Hamm lhamm@esc11.net.
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