Featuring: Successful Area Women from a Variety of Careers Funded by the Westfield Insurance and presented by Project Love, which is a character-building education and leadership training organization; ‘Role Models for Success’ will feature a panel of highly successful women sharing stories and strategies to inspire and help young women learn how to overcome obstacles, choose careers and succeed. The panel includes three women working in non-traditional careers for women, a professional and an entrepreneur. Some of the panelists will speak about how they have managed to overcome serious life challenges including parents living with addiction, teen motherhood and domestic abuse. Panelists will also share their insights about choosing a college, study strategies for success and how they’ve negotiated major job and career changes.
Moderator: Cheryl Goggans - former CEO of Girl Scouts-Lake Erie Council.
Jennifer Coleman, Architect, Designer & Entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of City Prowl
Tamika Bell, Construction Equipment Operator with Local 18
Keshia Johnson, Strategic Business Plan Manager & Engineer, Cleveland Div. of Water
Margie Chambers, Tool & Dye Maker, General Motors
Kai LaShawn, Motivational Speaker, Workshop Facilitator & Actress
Date: Friday, March 13, 2009
Time: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Audience: High School and Middle School
Schools interested in participating in this FREE educational opportunity should contact John Ramicone at 216-916-6360 or john.ramicone@ideastream.org by March 9th. Please include your IP number and technical contact information.