Reminder - General and Interactives Registration Open for Megaconference Jr. 2009 Don't miss this exciting opportunity on February 19, 2009 from 7am EST to 7pm EST (UTC -5) to interact with schools from around the world. The schedule of presentations is now posted. Join hundreds of sites fr m countries all around the world including Portugal, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malta, Great Britain, Slovenia, the US and more in the upcoming Megaconference Jr. 2009! You'll also have a chance to win exciting prizes from our vendor sponsors - Polycom, Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration, MOTE Marine Laboratory, Center for Puppetry Arts, and the Cranbrook Institute of Science. New sponsors and prizes continue to become available as well and will be posted on the website as we have them. Join us sun up or sun down all around the world for the 6th Annual Megaconference Jr. global event. General and Interactives Registration available at: http://www.megaconferencejr.org// Please go to: http://www.megaconferencejr.org/ and review the posted schedule and presentations prior to completing your registration. Again this year you have the ability to interact live with one of the scheduled presentations. Once you have read the schedule and know which session you would like to interact with, go to the "register" link and complete the form. You will be asked to make your selection towards the end of the registration form. When you have completed all fields click the "Submit" button. You should then receive an email confirmation. NOTE: If you already registered and would like to sign up to be an interactive for another presentation (or if you are presenting and would like to update your title or abstract) you can do so by using the email and password you used to register originally to log back in and select your interactive session (or update your presentation information) Don't forget to click "submit" when done. The interactive registrations with presenters are on a first come first serve basis. Once we have three for each presentation, interactive registration will be closed. Deadline for Interactive Registrations: January 16, 2009 or until spots are filled Deadline for General Registrations: January 30, 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Call for Virtual Battle of the Bands 2009 VIRTUAL BATTLE OF THE BANDS IS BACK!!! In 2008, we had difficulty getting quality recordings through videoconferencing systems and some bands dropped ou of the competition. For Megaconference Jr. 2009, we have decided to run the Virtual Battle of the Bands a little differently. We would like you to submit an online video (YouTube, Vimeo, Google Video, video on your own server, etc) of the band or artist performing. Solo acts are also encouraged to submit their work! Here are the rules: *The piece performed MUST be an original work--no copyrighted material allowed. *The recording must be single camera, single take without any editing other than cropping the ends of the file. *Voting will take place during Megaconference Junior 2009. *Appropriate permissions must be obtained by the person posting the video to use images of the students. * No profan ty or inappropriate references in the lyrics will be accepted *Submissions must be made by February 12, 2009, by 12 noon, EST. To submit, send the following info via email to troyer.59@osu.edu: *Name of the band/artist: *Name of the piece being performed: *Composer(s) of the piece: *Location of the band/artist: (City, State/Province, Country) *First name and ages of all the performers and their role: *Link to the video: Questions may be submitted to Virtual attle of the Bands Coordinator, Megan Troyer, troyer.59@osu.edu Virtual Battle of the Bands Deadline: February 12, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join us sun up or sun down all around the world for the 6 Year Anniversary of Megaconference Jr. http://www.megaconferencejr.org// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Jennifer Oxenford MAGPI jmacdoug@magpi.net 215-898-0341 http://www.magpi.net/ 215-74 MAGPI (215-746-2474)