FREE NASA Videoconferences
Here's an exciting Internet2 opportunity from NASA.
FREE, Exciting Series of NASA Videoconferences
DLiN Focus? What's in Your Future?
We would like to announce a new series of special FREE events from NASA.
Every Wednesday at 1:00 EST we will have a presentation from one of our researchers talking about their work and how they came to work at NASA. These events are aimed at the high school and upper middle school audience. You can find the list of presenters and topic sat:http://erc.arc.nasa.gov/dln.
The webpage will be continuously updated as we finalize the list of speakers.
The webpage will be continuously updated as we finalize the list of speakers.
January's Topics
* Jan. 14 - Astrobiology - Using Geology to look for life
* Jan. 21 - Aeronautics - A Look at Fluid Dynamics to design aircraft
* Jan. 28 - Optics - Using light to search stars and galaxies for earth-size planets.
You will find background information about the researcher, their work and educational activities related to their work. We encourage you to share this information with your students before the event. Each week's audience is limited to 15 classes, so please be sure to sign up as soon as possible to ensure availability. 5 classes will able to participate in the Q&A session at the end of each session.
Cost: FREE