Friday, December 5, 2008

Meet Author Virginia Frances Schwartz

Meet the Author ASK Videoconference
February 11 @ 12:00 EST

This videoconference is open to 6-8 middle school classes to meet with author Virginia Frances Schwartz and discuss her historical fiction novel "If I Just Had Two Wings" which tells the story of a young fugitive slaves trek to freedom via the legendary Underground Railroad. It details the secret network of people and places throughout the United States dedicated to helping slaves escape to Canada.

Participating classes are encouraged to read this award winning book and then share a videoconference with other classes in the U.S. and Canada to ASK Ms. Schwartz questions about her book and about her writing.

The videoconference will take place on Thursday, February 11th at 12:00 EST. If you are interested in participating in this videoconference or have any questions please E-mail Andrea Israeli at
A teacher's guide and student activities will be sent to you for you and your students to follow. The book is available at book sellers like and Barnes and Noble. Andrea Israeli Technology Integration Facilitator
Ph; IS 145 (718)-457-1242