Videoconference with Author, Frank McMillan
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009
Time: 1:00 to 2:00 CST
Session for 7-8 grade studying the Holocaust
IP Only
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009
Time: 1:00 to 2:00 CST
Session for 7-8 grade studying the Holocaust
IP Only
Cezanne is Missing
In the months following the atrocious events of September 11, a 15-year-old girl learns the story of her art teacher, a survivor of Auschwitz and a fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto resistance. After frantic attempts to decode a diary written by her teacher's long-lost brother during World War II, she is suddenly drawn into the dangerous network of the underworld kidnappers who have targeted her teacher. Utterly clueless about this terrible epoch in history, she begins to see the link between hatred and intolerance throughout history. Set in New York City, the fast-paced, original plot is both educational and compelling.
Frank McMillan is a former executive director of the Texas A&M–Corpus Christi Foundation and teaches at Del Mar College. He delivered the 2004 Holocaust Remembrance Day address at Temple Beth El and spoke at the annual national conference of the Association of Holocaust Organizations and the annual conference of the International Association of Analytical Psychology. He lives in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Contact: Billie Lee Tinoco at billie.tinoco@wylieisd.net
Contact: Margaret Clayton
McMillan Junior High School Wylie Independent School District
Wylie, Texas
Billie Lee Tinoco
Staff Development Coordinator
Wylie Independent School District