Friday, November 21, 2008

Grades 6-12: Pearl Harbor in Your Backyard

Workman reads about the Pearl Harbor attack.. IRC(2005).
Retrieved November 19, 2008, fromDiscovery Education:
National Archives Records & Administration (NARA) Southwest Region presents...
In the News: Pearl Harbor in Your Backyard! December 5, 20089:00 - 9:30 AM CSTGrades 6-12
Registration deadline: Dec. 3rd!!!
Did you know that you can find records relating to Pearl Harbor in Fort Worth, Texas? During this lesson teachers/students will analyze primary source documents from the National Archives--Southwest Region, including war diaries and photographs of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Teachers/students will read and compare the war diaries from different ships and discuss the photographs.
This program is offered FREE for everyone outside of Texas and all Texas schools that connect through their local Education Service Center video conferencing network. Most sites will be "view only".
To register click on this link

To register go to .

Education Service Center Region XI
3001 North Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76106
(817) 740-3625