It is that time of year again! They would like to connect with a few elementary classes to do some simple “safety based” lessons via IVDL. I will list the topics and grade levels below that they need. Just a reminder, these are “college students”, not professional presenters”. Although I review the material, I don’t really have a roll in the actual presentation. It is a wonderful learning experience for them, and I hope that we can find some classes for them to connect to. These are FREE (1/2 hour) sessions.
Please let me know if you have a volunteer class for the following:
1. Dental Awareness (for a KDG or 1st grade) (1:15-1:45pm) October 23rd
2. Fire Safety (for a KDG or 1st grade) (2:00-2:30pm) October 23rd
3. Poison Prevention (for a KDG or 1st grade) (2:40-3:10pm) October 23rd
Please let me know if you have a volunteer class for the following:
1. Dental Awareness (for a KDG or 1st grade) (1:15-1:45pm) October 23rd
2. Fire Safety (for a KDG or 1st grade) (2:00-2:30pm) October 23rd
3. Poison Prevention (for a KDG or 1st grade) (2:40-3:10pm) October 23rd
Leslie Charles
Distance Learning Coordinator
Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center
205 North 7th Street
Zanesville, Ohio 43701
740.452.4518 ext 133
Distance Learning Coordinator
Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center
205 North 7th Street
Zanesville, Ohio 43701
740.452.4518 ext 133