Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Grades 7-12: The Drumming of Haiti **FREE**

Saint Francis University’s Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Under-Served Areas (CERMUSA) is proud to present Master Drummer Frisner Augustin and Lois Wilcken, Ph.D from the Haitian Drum and Dance Company La Troupe Makandal live via Internet 2 on Tuesday 9.30.08 1-2pm, EDT. Through performance and lecture the presenters will showcase various aspects of Haitian music and culture.

The Drumming of Haiti presentation is a rare occasion for Saint Francis University, and we are pleased to share this session to remote audiences free of charge to the Internet2 community. To register for this session, please go to this link: Cost is free. This presentation is appropriate for grades 7-12 and college-level classes.

For more information, please e-mail Kent Tonkin ( Registration deadline is September 23. Test calls will be scheduled prior to the session date.