Congressman Zack Space has agreed to meet with our schools via video conferencing on Thursday May 1st from 8:30 - 9:20 a.m. Congressman Space continues to fight for issues that are critical to the economic development of the 18th Congressional District. Zack highlights the importance of re-establishing an honest, transparent government in order to return Americans' sense of trust in government and in their public officials. Please join us to discuss key issues with our Congressman. To register for this event, go to www.tchesc.org and click on VC Scheduler.If you have any questions, please contact us. There is no cost for this video conference and we would like to have a big turnout for Congressman Space since he has graciously agreed to reschedule this session. Since we have more time to get this information to your teachers we are hoping to have a better response. Please make every effort to see that all teachers get this notice, especially the government teachers.Thanks for your interest and support!
Marilyn Roder & Michele Carlisle
Tuscarawas-Carroll-Harrison ESC
834 E. High Ave.
New Philadelphia OH 44663
330.308.9939 x251 Phone (Marilyn)
330.308.9939 x220 (Michele)
330.308.0964 Fax