Christopher Bohn : Music & Sound for Health
March 25, 2008 1PM-2PM EDT Saint Francis University’s Center of Excellence for Remote andMedically Under-Served Areas (CERMUSA) is proud to present acclaimedmusician and sound therapy practitioner Christopher Bohn live viaInternet 2 on March 25, 2008 from 1-2pm EDT. Through lecture, livedemonstration and performance, Mr. Bohn will showcase aspects of musicand sound in regard to health and wellness. Three main areas of healthwill be covered: physical, spiritual/emotional, and community. Mr. Bohns' session is appropriate for grades 10-12 throughundergraduate. There is a US$29.00 fee for registration.
More information and registration info can be found here (http://cermusa1.wufoo.com/forms/christopher-bohn-music-sound-for-health/)
March 25, 2008 1PM-2PM EDT Saint Francis University’s Center of Excellence for Remote andMedically Under-Served Areas (CERMUSA) is proud to present acclaimedmusician and sound therapy practitioner Christopher Bohn live viaInternet 2 on March 25, 2008 from 1-2pm EDT. Through lecture, livedemonstration and performance, Mr. Bohn will showcase aspects of musicand sound in regard to health and wellness. Three main areas of healthwill be covered: physical, spiritual/emotional, and community. Mr. Bohns' session is appropriate for grades 10-12 throughundergraduate. There is a US$29.00 fee for registration.
More information and registration info can be found here (http://cermusa1.wufoo.com/forms/christopher-bohn-music-sound-for-health/)