Go to the web site below, scroll down to Special Events and click there to register.
March 12, 12:00-1:00 EST (Group 1)
March 12, 1:30-2:30 EST (Group 2)
ASK (“Authors Specialist and Knowledge”) is an organized process that provides students with the opportunity to interview an author or a subject specialist in the topic they are reading about in a novel. The program uses excellent literature, journal writing and interviewing to promote reading for understanding.
Required Book: Nothing But Trouble
Register by completing the online form. Please make sure you can commit to the work necessary to prepare for this program before registering your class. Questions? Email sporter4@comcast.net.
ASK Information
- What is ASK?
- Step-by-Step Process for Teachers
- Making Your ASK Connection a Success
- To request a free 15 min. video about the ASK process, email Jim Wenzloff at jwenzloff@misd.net.
- Or view online. QuickTime 30M. QuickTime 50M. (If this doesn't play, right click and choose Save Target As..., save the file to your desktop and play it from there.)
- Books: You are responsible for acquiring copies of the book(s) for your students
Sue Porter
CAPspace Coordinator
RAP Coordinator
Polycom Special Events Coordinator
Email: sporter4@comcast.net
Email: sue@twice.cc
Phone: 616.874.6599